Wednesday, August 10, 2011

"I Am Vacation!" But We Have A Closing in Two Days!

Say What!!! You’re on Vacation.
I was working a HUD Cash Deal and finally got the call that the title search was clear and everything was in order for a closing. I received this information on a Wednesday. To receive the early closing bonus that was being offered, the property had to be closed by that following Monday. So I scheduled a walk thru with my buyer for his first availability which was Friday. I  contacted the selling agent, advised him of my plans and obtained the lockbox code.
Friday afternoon came and my buyer and I arrived at the home, only to find a second layer of locks on the home with no keys. I called the agent hoping to get some answers and obtain access to conduct my final walk thru. No answer. I called and texted him. I then called the management company, who had a notice on the front window. They were unaware of the locks and could not assist. I then called the title company. Last resort. I was hoping they would be able to assist, since they were designated to handle the closings for HUD properties. I figured, maybe, this was a routine process and they could assist. They couldn’t help either. I called the agent several times before I final relinquished my efforts.
What made me extra nervous was that I would be travelling internationally the very next day (Saturday). I was not going to be present for the closing, but I had already educated my client to the point where I felt comfortable.  Since this was a cash deal, it was going to be pretty straight forward. However, I didn’t want my client to “sign his life away’' to a home he didn’t see prior to closing.
airportI continued to call the listing agent, well into Friday evening. I know it was annoying, but if I could coordinate a walk-thru with my assistant and my client, then I could travel in peace. Well Saturday was here. Around 10am, while sitting at Miami International Airport waiting for my connecting flight, I received a text from the selling agent stating that he was “On Vacation in St. Augustine”. And that was it. No apologies. No answer to my question about the locks. I responded stating, “I am going on vacation as well, but this needs to get done. Do you know anything about the extra locks?” I never received a response. I thought to myself, “this agent has a closing on Monday and seems very disinterested in whether or not it occurs.” Wow. I hope I never get to that point.
I finally figured a creative way for my client to obtain access and view the home without the listing agent’s assistance. I also provided my client with my international number so he can text me at anytime, should there be a question. (He had Metro PCS, free international texts - perfecto!)  I was also available by email if needed. Yes, I was on vacation, but was I. Not with a closing a couple days away. After a successful closing, I was finally able to enjoy, my vacation.

Yes, I work on Vacations Too!

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