Monday, January 7, 2013

Why Take the Key? It Won’t Help Your Buyer’s Chances.



I recently attempted to show a bank-owned property that was priced considerably below market-value. One of my eager buyers was hoping to view this property and ultimately submit his highest and best bid. The property had been on the market for two days and there was a mandatory seven day waiting period before any offers were considered. When we arrived at the property, I unlocked the lockbox, only to find that the keys were missing. Confused and a little annoyed, I informed my buyer and called the listing agent. The listing agent was aware of the situation and placed a call into the property manager to have the property re-keyed.

Removing the key from the lockbox to reduce the likelihood of the property being shown to other potential buyers is not only very unethical but may prove to be a disadvantage to your buyer. The seven-day waiting period could be extended to rectify the inconvenience and allow interested buyers time to submit their highest and best offers. Also, your buyer could change their mind making your efforts futile and unnecessary.

As a Real Estate professional, you should inform your buyer of the competition associated with the property purchase. Review the comparables (Comps) with your buyer, as well as strategize and determine the best offer for the property. As a real estate agent it is important to be professional and ethical in all business endeavors.

If your Real Estate Agent suggests removing the key from the lock-box, please ask them to reconsider. As a buyer, if you were viewing properties, you too may be a little annoyed to know that you cleared your schedule for this viewing only to find out, there is no key to access the property. Additionally, if you were successful in securing the property, the absence of the key could delay other areas of your home purchase process including the inspection, appraisal, etc.

I am always disappointed with agents who employ this unethical practice. As a Realtor, your success is not measured by how many keys you can remove from a lockbox or how you can block the other buyers and agents through unethical practices. As a Real Estate Professional, buyers seek your services in a real estate transaction to be informed, educated, and navigated through this process. Buyers look to their real estate agent to negotiate on their behalf, and more importantly to be honest and ethical in all they do. Sometimes I wonder if I’m the only agent who works by these practices.

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