Saturday, September 1, 2012

The Real Estate Market Is Alive & Well

I Am Happy That I Alive There are fewer homeowners that are behind on their mortgage payments. According to CoreLogic, the number fell from 12.1M in 2011 to 11.4M in the first quarter of 2012. The decrease in-turn shows a slow increase in the price of single-family homes, according to a recent housing index. Has the market bottomed out? Some experts believe that the market “bottomed” in January 2012.

What is evident is that there is a change in the culture of the real estate market. The buyer’s confidence has increased. More and more individuals are looking to purchase homes to capitalize on the low interest rates. Investors are also flooding the market to secure a cheap investment property. Some investors look to flip, while others reap the rental benefits until they can sell in a more seller favorable market. Despite the skeptics, the real estate market is alive and well. Regardless of home values, the individuals who understand the benefits of this market are certainly taking advantage. If you are looking for a diligent Realtor, to assist you with your real estate goals, I encourage you to give me a call or send me an email. I look forward to working with you in attaining your real estate dreams.

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