Wednesday, June 3, 2015

To Contribute to Buyer’s Closing Costs or NOT!



Is there a defined rule when it comes to closing cost assistance for financing buyers? Many might think there is an industry standard to expect. Buyer’s closing costs assistance or seller’s concessions are always a topic of discussion in any financing negotiations. Why not? If the Buyer is purchasing a home and paying for the down payment, closing costs, home inspections, appraisal, HOA applications, etc., a little money saved can go a long way. Thousands of dollars just vanish from the buyer’s pocket. I’m not saying it’s not worth the investment, but if the Buyer could save a little in their pockets, then Why Not?

Any new buyer I work with, I’ll explain to them that we’ll ask the seller to contribute and pay for up to half of their closing costs. In some cases, I can negotiate that all of their closing costs be paid. On the selling side, when I represent a seller, the seller’s net sheet is calculated to include 3% seller concessions as a variable cost. It’s not mandatory, but if a Buyer asks, at least the seller is able to make concessions as they see fit.

I never really gave this practice much thought until I submitted an offer on a property for one of my Buyers recently. The listing agent countered our offer stating that the Seller won’t contribute to our closing costs. The listing agent further explained that she never asks for closing costs for a buyer or recommends a seller to contribute to the Buyer’s closing costs unless it’s a foreclosure or new construction property. Foreclosures and new construction purchases are easy outlets to obtain closing cost assistance for the Buyer. New construction builders almost ALWAYS offer seller concessions as part of their appeal to Buyers. I was certainly taken back by her real estate practice. She eloquently added that, if a Buyer wants to buy a home, they should the necessary money saved to cover all costs. I chuckled to myself.

Perhaps this is the service she provides to her clients, but I feel this is a Disservice. Saving a few thousand dollars for a Buyer shows that you care. It shows that you understand that even after the  home purchase, there’s money that goes towards cosmetic improvements, furniture, utility connections, among other items. It hurts my heart that this is her belief and practice. I feel this is why when I speak to so many Buyers, they feel that home ownership is out of reach. They feel that they cannot afford it, and have to save for years. They eventually give up on this dream because of kids, bills, and other items that may slowly nibble at their saving opportunities.

I believe that Home Ownership is a dream. As your Real Estate Professional, it’s my job to make this dream come true. Anyway I can.

If you are wondering how to begin the journey to home ownership, call me today at 813-419-7009 or email me at

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